What versions of Excel can be used with XLActuary?
XLActuary v2.0 can be used with 32-bit and 64-bit installations of Excel versions up to 2019.
XLActuary v1.3 can be used with 32-bit installations of Excel versons 2002 up to 2013.
Can XLActuary be used with other spreadsheet applications (e.g. Lotus 123) or spreadsheet components of other office productivity suites (e.g. Star Office)?
The current version of XLActuary can only be used with Microsoft Excel.
What interest assumptions can XLActuary functions handle?
The worksheet functions inside XLActuary can handle interest assumptions involving single or multiple rates. For multiple rate assumptions, the functions can accommodate the following:
What mortality tables can be used with XLActuary?
The mortality assumptions required by the XLActuary functions can be specified using any of the built-in mortality tables or by using any set of mortality rates contained in the Excel workbook. The built-in tables include the most commonly used tables in calculating actuarial factors and those tables contained in published guidance by various regulatory agencies. This set of tables is updated regularly as newer tables are published. To use mortality tables not included in the set of built-in tables, all you have to do is prepare a range inside your workbook containing the mortality rates that you need and set up your functions to refer to that range.
We have some uncommon mortality assumptions used by some of our clients and these are used in many of our workbooks. Can we add these mortality tables to the set of built-in tables so that we do not have to enter them separately in multiple workbooks?
The built-in mortality tables used by XLActuary are contained in either the standard mortality table file or any of several employer-specific mortality tables files. The standard table file is made available to all users of XLActuary while the employer-specific table files are created and provided to registered users as requested. All you have to do is provide ARMONTech with the mortality rates for all the tables you need to add to the set of built-in tables and ARMONTech will create the appropriate table files for you.
How does XLActuary handle calculations involving fractional ages?
The methodology used to calculate factors based on fractional ages involves a linear interpolation of factors based on integral values of the interpolation points. Refer to the “Fractional Ages and Periods” section in the Help facility of XLActuary for additional details.
How does XLActuary handle calculations involving payments made more frequently than once a year (e.g. monthly payments)?
Where payments are made more frequently than once a year, the formulas employ the standard approximation based on the adjustment equal to (m-1)/2m where m is the number of payments in a year. This approximation does not apply to the annuity certain function and for any guaranteed payments which are calculated using basic interest theory. Refer to the “Assumptions and Methodology” section in the Help facility of XLActuary for additional details.
Can XLActuary handle the Uniform Distribution of Deaths (UDD) assumption or the Balducci hypothesis to handle non-annual payments?
The current version of XLActuary does not handle the UDD assumption nor the Balducci hypothesis. These two methodologies will be incorporated in a future version of XLActuary.
Do I need to uninstall prior versions before I install a new version of XLActuary?
Yes. You need to uninstall prior versions of the add-in before installing the latest version of XLActuary.
Are there user training sessions available to users of XLActuary?
ARMONTech offers in-house training at the client site. The training includes all the training materials and the user guides and references to the participants. The training can also be customized to reflect the client’s specific needs and circumstances. Contact ARMONTech for more details.
Can I share workbooks that use XLActuary functions with other users and developers?
Any workbook containing calculations using the XLActuary functions can be shared with other users and developers who have also installed XLActuary. You can share workbooks with anybody in your company or from other companies who are also using XLActuary.
How do I determine when my current registration ends?
Click XLActuary / Help / About XLActuary to display the About Form. Then click the button labeled "Info" to diplay the form containing the add-in information:
Can I use XLActuary functions inside VBA?
For the current version (v2.0), the XLActuary functions can not be used inside VBA.
I have a registered copy of XLActuary and I need to upgrade my computer. Can I transfer my registration to my new machine?
If you want to transfer your registration to another machine, you need to do the following:
• Un-install XLActuary from the old machine and advise ARMON Technologies accordingly
• Retrieve the hardware ID / fingerprint of the new machine then email to support@armontech.com
I have just installed XLActuary. How do I start using the add-in?
After you install the add-in, you should see a new Ribbon tab labeled "XLActuary" containing several groups of buttons that let you run routines to set up the functions in your worksheets. For XLActuary versions prior to v2.0, you can find the controls and buttons under the Custom Toolbars panel of the Add-Ins tab, labeled “XLActuary”.
To use the functions inside your worksheets, you can click on the applicable buttons of the Ribbon (or Toolbar) or you can enter the formulas inside the worksheet cells by typing the name of the function and the required inputs. Refer to the Help facility for the correct syntax and the list of required inputs to the functions. To activate the Help facility, click on the Help group in the Ribbon, then click on the "XLActuary Help" button.
Can XLActuary handle present value calculations with cost-of-living assumptions?
The current version of XLActuary can not handle present value calculations with cost-of-living assumptions.
Can XLActuary be used with 64-bit versions of Excel?
XLActuary v.2.0 can be used with 64-bit installations of of Excel.
Is version 2.0 compatible with earlier versions?
Version 2.0 of XLActuary is compatible with all previous releases. This means that calls to all the XLActuary functions inside existing workbooks will continue to work and the XLActuary functions will produce the same results as previous versions.
Why is the XLActuary v1.3 commandbar not working for Excel 2013 and later versions?
Beginning with version 2013, Excel uses what is known as the Single Document Interface (SDI) paradigm. With this new feature, the version 1.3 of XLActuary is able to activate the commandbar for only one of the open workbooks. This means that the commandbar routines (to set up functions, display help and other information) are available only in that one open workbook is active. However, all the add-in functions can continue to be used on all open workbooks.
To execute a commandbar routine to display the Help facility, the About form and other information, activate the workbook where the commandbar is enabled then click on the appropriate buttons.
XLActuary v2.0 now uses the Ribbon interface that can be used on all open workbooks.
Can XLActuary be used on networks or servers?
Contact us for network installations, server installations and for other special setup needs.
How do I retrieve the hardware ID or fingerprint of my machine?
To retrieve the hardware ID from a machine on which XLActuary v2.0 has already been installed, do the following:
To retrieve the hardware fingerprint from a machine on which XLActuary v1.3 has already been installed, do the following:
What are the changes in version 2.0?
See the Release Notes for version 2.0.
How do I register my copy of XLActuary?
For version 2.0, place a copy of the license file in the folder containing the XLActuary files. For earlier versions, open Excel then enter the registration key using the commandbar. Contact us to request your license fee or registration key.
Where are the mortality rates stored?
The mortality rates are stored in mortality rate files: