Add-In Toolkit

Each of the add-ins is self-contained, ready to use and can be ordered individually.  Most of the add-ins make available to the user a toolbar (or menu item) that allows the user to execute the add-in's commands and other functions.  If you need several of the add-ins, we can assemble a toolkit that will contain a customized toolbar for your organization.

With this toolkit, you can enjoy the benefits of an integrated set of tools, utilities and applications under one common toolbar.


Product News

Check out our actuarial add-in tool:   XLActuary

This powerful, flexible and easy-to-use tool is designed to to handle all you actuarial factor needs. Read more...
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XLActuary v2.0

Announcing the release of XLActuary v2.0 designed to work with both 32-bit and 64-bit installations of Excel. Read

Mortality Projection

The XLActuary add-in has been updated to include mortality projection capabilities. Read

Sample Workbooks

Check out sample workbooks containing calculations using projected mortality tables. Read